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#英国女作家露西 | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265







“竹艺轩”是徐建元竹编事业的另一高峰。如今,这里已成为了一家小型的“网红竹编 博物馆”,四处摆放着造型各异的竹编生活用具和美不胜收的工艺作品。这既丰富了文昌里非遗文化,传承了传统工匠精神,也有更好地吸引了年轻人的加入。

《 汤显祖故里寻梦之旅 - 英国友人眼中的抚州 》











露西·汉密尔顿(Lucy Hamilton)








Meeting the Master Weaver


露西·汉密尔顿(Lucy Hamilton)





The Historic and Cultural Block is a district of Wengchangli in the northern part of Fuzhou City, Jiangxi province. Wengchangli was once the most prosperous commercial district of the old city, and lies on the west side of the delta carved out by the Fuhe River. It has 26000 residents who live and work in an area of 980 Mu (about 65 hectares).


In October 2019 I was part of a group from Cambridge visiting Fuzhou and staying at the Grand Honor Hotel. The main attraction of the day would be the Ancient Lanes, an area where the workshops of skilled and master craftsmen are to be found. The three principal lanes are the poetically-named By Street, Triangle Lane and Bamboo Chair Street. Among the various workshops I saw, the most interesting was the bamboo-weaving workshop and boutique called Zhu Yi Xuan. It is owned by the master craftsman Xu Jianyua who is recognised as an inheritor of an important and deeply-felt aspect of Chinese culture. Since ancient times cooking utensils, containers, brooms and mats ― all made of bamboo ― have been a necessity of life for the Chinese people. Visitors to the region can also see old-style bamboo farming implements, such as hoes and winnowing-sieves, in barns at the ancient villages of Nie, Bamboo Bridge and Zhuqiao.




Unfortunately, the majestic sight of traditional junks plying the Yangtze between Shanghai in the east and Chengdu in the west is no longer to be witnessed. The nineteeth-century explorer Isabella Bird described the junks as having ‘sails of knitted cane or coarse canvas extended by an arrangement of bamboo’. She also spoke of ‘huge junks from the Fukien province, bringing recollections of Foochow and of the Min river, piled high with bamboos and poles, and extended to a preposterous width by masses of the same lashed on both sides’.Today, travel by junk on the river can still be an option for tourists.



Returning to Mr Xu, it was interesting to learn that, since the turn of the 21st century, the art of bamboo weaving has been creatively exploited in innovative ways. At his workshop my attention was caught by a bamboo frieze stretching the length of a wall. It is a ‘weaving-painting’ called ‘Ascending the River at Qingming Festival’, and it is based on a celebrated ancient painting ‘Along the River at Qingming’. I had already come across the Qingming festival, which is also known as the Ching Ming Festival, and is sometimes called Tomb Sweeping Day or Day of Pure Brightness. Qingming can be traced back more than 2500 years to around 636 BCE, the time of Duke Wen, who declared a period of three days mourning for his loyal servant Jie Zitui.




Falling between April 4th and April 6th each year, the Qingming Festival is set aside to remember and honour ancestors. Modern-day festivals demonstrate reverence for ancestors by the weeding and sweeping of grave sites, and by the laying of flowers and willow branches to ward off evil spirits. Offerings are placed on the graves, as I witnessed when travelling on a train from Shanghai to Fuzhou. The festival itself was over, but the grave sites, often little more than mounds of earth, were still colourful with wilting flowers.

Qingming is more than honouring the dead. It falls at the beginning of spring and is a celebration of life, beauty, and seasonal renewal. In the evenings, as part of the celebration, people fly kites carrying coloured lanterns, bright against the night sky. Outdoor activities with the family, such as picnics, sports or planting of flowers, are other ways to celebrate.



Mr Xu’s weaving-painting is beautiful, but later I was distracted by watching him at work on his current project, which was the weaving of a vessel. He sat perched on a high chair, skilfully weaving the bamboo strips of the outer surface into a design which was clearly a portrait. The vessel itself (pictured) was over three metres long, about two metres in diameter at its widest point, and weighed more than forty kilograms. Tipped on its side, it lay on a mat on the floor. The lip was rimmed by strips bristling at the unfinished neck.



When asked how he sliced the bamboo into thin strips, Mr Xu gave us a demonstration. He always cuts the bamboo canes cross-wise by hand, using a small knife. The next stage is to split the canes into strips on the hand-turned wheel-and-blade machine, which he also demonstrated. However, he is so experienced that he prefers to do this by hand. The final preparation is to soften the strips in water, rendering them supple enough to weave into this remarkable vase. It would take him a year to complete from start to finish, and is all the more astonishing for being crafted without the use of a cast or the help of assistants.



后来,我发现了一些代表容器的甲骨文象形文字(如下图所示),外形类似于徐先生所做的花瓶。根据我的资料来源所示,这个图像的意思是:“填满,充盈(丰富)”。就像“酒”这个字一样,它代表着一个长颈的容器,也意味着“幸福、繁荣”。我问徐先生,是什么促使他开始编织花瓶的工作的,这对他来说又有什么样的意义。他解释说,中国人通常会在家里放两个花瓶,用于保护亲戚们的平安并带来好运。“‘花瓶’在汉语中读作‘HUA PING’”,他说道,“‘平安’的发音是‘PING AN’。显然,‘花瓶’和‘平安’都有‘PING’的发音。”

Later, I was able to discover oracle bone pictograms of vessels (drawn below) resembling Mr Xu’s vase. According to my sources, the image means: to fill in, fullness (abundance). Like the character for ‘wine’, it represents a long-necked vessel, and it can also mean happiness, prosperity. I asked Mr Xu what prompted him to weave his vase and what significance it had for him. He explained that the Chinese put two vases in the family home to keep their relatives safe and to bring good luck: ‘“Vase” in Chinese is pronounced HUA PING’, he said, ‘while the pronunciation of “safeness” is PING AN. Thus, both “vase” and “safeness” share the pronunciation PING’.



This corrolates with the I Chingideograph of Feng(drawn on the left), which takes the image of beans flourishing to express abundance. I was pleased to note that the protruding stemsecho the bamboo strips bristling from Mr Xu’s vase.

Hexagrams in the I Chingare combinations of two trigrams (three-line symbols), used to identify each of sixty-four ideographs for the purposes of divination. Alfred Huang explains that the Fenghexagram’s broken top line (shown under the accompanying poem) means: Abundant, his house. Sheltering his household. This chimes with Mr Xu’s explanation of families keeping vases in their houses as symbols of safety.




For another essay (Lunch at the Mask-Maker’s Restaurant) I looked at oracle bone pictograms of vessels that mean ‘food’ and ‘eat’. It is intriguing to see how pictograms and their meanings can overlap or change in different contexts. This reflects the I Chingitself, based as it is on the Tao of change―the truth of change. According to Alfred Huang, as the ancient sages watched astronomical phenomena in the sky and topographical features on earth, and studied the relationship among all beings, they realised that a universal principle exists whereby everything is in a continuous process of change. Change is certain. Only the principle of change never changes.


Finally, it is thanks to Fan Liangliang, known to us as Tom, that I have been able to develop my understanding of the places I visited in Fuzhou. Tom is an English teacher at Fuzhou Preschool College. This is a state-owned college, approved by the People’s Government of China, which prepares kindergarten and primary school teachers for the city and local authority. As a teacher myself, I felt an admiration for his dedication to cultural initiatives beyond teaching duties. I caught happy images of him with some of his students later in the week.



The Master Craftsman

Weaves A Bamboo Vase


在他的左手边 | 徐先生纵向劈开了木头

Gripping the blade in his right hand and bamboo

in his left| Mr Xu splits the wood lengthways


在墙的上方 | 清明上河图

and lets the two pieces fall onto the pile at his feet

On the wall above| Ascending the River at Qingming


有着铺满鲜花的坟墓 | 这编织的竹条

evokes ancient scenes I saw from a Fuzhou train

of graves strewn with flowers| This weaving frieze



flows the width of the workshop wall like the river

where junks once heaved abundant cargos of cane



He softens the strips in water and plaits the supple

threads into a three-metre vessel which lies on its side



Stubble-ends bristle around the lip of its open mouth

mimicking the jutting bean stems in the ideograph


在他的家里 | 用一对花瓶中的一个庇护他家人的安康

In the old Chinese tradition he will exhibit the vase

at his house| one of a pair to keep his family safe


先帝的面孔 | 交织着他的记忆

Now he takes up a black-dyed strand to complete

the face of the First Emperor| interlacing his memory

—— 露西·汉密尔顿

Lucy Hamilton





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